Getting started

This page contains a simple tutorial to help you get started by creating a Mythic Beasts account, create an API key, use the command line interface and the Python module.

Create a Mythic Beasts account

Sign up:

Create an API key

  1. Log in to your Mythic Beasts account:
  2. Open the API Keys page:
  3. Enter a descriptive name for your API key, for your own reference
  4. Check the Raspberry Pi Provisioning box
  5. Click the Create API key button
  6. Make a note of the API ID and Secret. You’ll need them to use this Python module, and you can’t retrieve them after this screen is gone.


If you lose your keys, you can simply reset them or create a new API key.

Install the hostedpi module

For a system-wide installation:

$ sudo pip3 install hostedpi

for a user-level installation:

$ pip3 install hostedpi --user

or in a virtual environment:

$ pip install hostedpi

Test your API keys

To test your API connection, try running the following commands in a terminal window, with your API ID and secret:

Connected to the Mythic Beasts API

This message means your API credentials were found and a successful connection was made.

Start using the Python module

The following Python program will connect to the Mythic Beasts API using your credentials, and print out a list of Pi services in your account:

from hostedpi import PiCloud

cloud = PiCloud(api_id='YOUR API ID', secret='YOUR SECRET')

for name in cloud.pis:


You can either construct PiCloud with your API ID and secret, or set them in environment variables like above.

You can provision a new Pi with the create_pi() method:

from hostedpi import PiCloud

cloud = PiCloud(api_id='YOUR API ID', secret='YOUR SECRET')

pi = cloud.create_pi('mypi3')

The default values are for a Pi 3 with a 10GB disk, but you can request either a Pi 3 or Pi 4 and specify the disk size (which must be a multiple of 10):

from hostedpi import PiCloud

cloud = PiCloud(api_id='YOUR API ID', secret='YOUR SECRET')

pi = cloud.create_pi('mypi4', model=4, disk_size=20)


When requesting a Pi 3, you will either get a model 3B or 3B+. It is not possible to request a particular model beyond 3 or 4. The Pi 4 is the 4GB RAM model.

The return value of this method is a Pi object which you can use to retrieve information about the service, and to manage it. The repr of a Pi object includes the name and model:

>>> pi
<Pi model 4 mypi4>

For example, you can retrieve the SSH command needed to connect to it:


which should print something like:

ssh -p 5123

Other properties you can read are include:

There are also methods such as reboot():


Other methods include:


  • See the Command line interface page for details of the possibilities provided by ready-made scripts
  • See the API documentation for Pi for more information on available properties and methods.
  • See the Recipes page for more ideas showing what you can do with this module.