Source code for hostedpi.pi

from datetime import datetime
from ipaddress import IPv6Address, IPv6Network
from time import sleep

import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from .utils import parse_ssh_keys
from .exc import HostedPiException

[docs]class Pi: """ The ``Pi`` class represents a single Raspberry Pi service in the Mythic Beasts Pi cloud. Initialising a ``Pi`` object does not provision a new Pi, rather initialisation is for internal construction only. There are two ways to get access to a ``Pi`` object: retrieval from the :attr:`~hostedpi.picloud.PiCloud.pis` dictionary; and the return value of :meth:`~hostedpi.picloud.PiCloud.create_pi` method. With a ``Pi`` object, you can access data about that particular Pi service, add SSH keys, reboot it, cancel it and more. .. note:: The ``Pi`` class should not be initialised by the user, only internally within the module. """ def __init__(self, *, cloud, name, model): self._cloud = cloud self._name = name self._model = model self._cancelled = False self._boot_progress = None self._disk_size = None self._initialised_keys = None self._ipv6_address = None self._ipv6_network = None self._is_booting = None self._location = None self._model_full = None self._power = None self._ipv4_ssh_port = None self._provision_status = None self._data_expiry = self._reboot_thread = None def __repr__(self): if self._cancelled: return "<Pi {} cancelled>".format(self=self) else: model = self.model_full if self.model_full else self.model return "<Pi model {model} {}>".format(model=model, self=self)
[docs] def __str__(self): "A multi-line string of the information about the Pi" self._get_data() if self._provision_status == "live": if self._is_booting: boot_progress = "booting: {progress}".format(progress=self._boot_progress) elif self._boot_progress: boot_progress = self._boot_progress else: boot_progress = "live" num_keys = len(self.ssh_keys) power = "on" if self._power else "off" initialised_keys = "yes" if self._initialised_keys else "no" return """ Name: {} Provision status: {boot_progress} Model: Raspberry Pi {self._model_full} Disk size: {self._disk_size}GB Power: {power} IPv6 address: {self._ipv6_address} IPv6 network: {self._ipv6_network} Initialised keys: {initialised_keys} SSH keys: {num_keys} IPv4 SSH port: {self.ipv4_ssh_port} Location: {self.location} URLs: {self.url} {self.url_ssl} SSH commands: {self.ipv4_ssh_command} # IPv4 {self.ipv6_ssh_command} # IPv6 """[1:-1].format(self=self, boot_progress=boot_progress, power=power, num_keys=num_keys, initialised_keys=initialised_keys) else: return """ Name: {} Provision status: {self._provision_status} Model: Raspberry Pi {self._model} Disk size: {self._disk_size}GB IPv6 address: {self._ipv6_address} IPv6 network: {self._ipv6_network} SSH port: {self.ipv4_ssh_port} Location: {self.location} URLs: {self.url} {self.url_ssl} SSH commands: {self.ipv4_ssh_command} # IPv4 {self.ipv6_ssh_command} # IPv6 """[1:-1].format(self=self)
def _get_data(self): url = '{self._API_URL}/{}'.format(self=self) r = requests.get(url, headers=self._cloud.headers) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: raise HostedPiException(e) from e data = r.json() self._boot_progress = data['boot_progress'] disk_size = data.get('disk_size') if disk_size: self._disk_size = int(float(disk_size)) self._initialised_keys = data['initialised_keys'] self._ipv4_ssh_port = int(data['ssh_port']) self._ipv6_address = IPv6Address(data['ip']) self._ipv6_network = IPv6Network(data['ip_routed']) self._is_booting = bool(data['is_booting']) self._location = data['location'] self._model = data['model'] self._model_full = data['model_full'] self._power = bool(data['power']) self._provision_status = data['status'] @property def _API_URL(self): return self._cloud._API_URL + '/servers' @property def name(self): "The name of the Pi service." return self._name @property def boot_progress(self): """ A string representing the Pi's boot progress. Can be ``booted``, ``powered off`` or a particular stage of the boot process if currently booting. """ self._get_data() if self._boot_progress: return self._boot_progress return "booted" if self.power else "powered off" @property def disk_size(self): """ The Pi's disk size in GB """ if self._disk_size is None: self._get_data() return self._disk_size @property def initialised_keys(self): """ A boolean representing whether or not the Pi has been initialised with SSH keys """ self._get_data() return self._initialised_keys @property def ipv4_ssh_port(self): "The SSH port to use when connecting via the IPv4 proxy" if self._ipv4_ssh_port is None: self._get_data() return self._ipv4_ssh_port @property def ipv6_address(self): "The Pi's IPv6 address as an :class:`~ipaddress.IPv6Address` object" if self._ipv6_address is None: self._get_data() return self._ipv6_address @property def ipv6_network(self): """ The Pi's IPv6 network as an :class:`~ipaddress.IPv6Network` object """ if self._ipv6_network is None: self._get_data() return self._ipv6_network @property def is_booting(self): "A boolean representing whether or not the Pi is currently booting" self._get_data() return self._is_booting @property def location(self): "The Pi's physical location (data centre)" if self._location is None: self._get_data() return self._location @property def model(self): "The Pi's model (3 or 4)" return self._model @property def model_full(self): "The Pi's model name (3B, 3B+ or 4B)" return self._model_full @property def power(self): "A boolean representing whether or not the Pi is currently powered on" self._get_data() return self._power @property def provision_status(self): """ A string representing the provision status of the Pi. Can be "provisioning", "initialising" or "live". """ self._get_data() return self._provision_status @property def ipv4_ssh_command(self): "The SSH command required to connect to the Pi over IPv4" return "ssh -p {self.ipv4_ssh_port} root@ssh.{}".format(self=self) @property def ipv6_ssh_command(self): "The SSH command required to connect to the Pi over IPv6" return "ssh root@[{self.ipv6_address}]".format(self=self) @property def ipv4_ssh_config(self): """ A string containing the IPv4 SSH config for the Pi. The contents could be added to an SSH config file for easy access to the Pi. """ return """Host {} user root port {self.ipv4_ssh_port} hostname ssh.{} """.format(self=self).strip() @property def ipv6_ssh_config(self): """ A string containing the IPv6 SSH config for the Pi. The contents could be added to an SSH config file for easy access to the Pi. """ return """Host {} user root hostname {self.ipv6_address} """.format(self=self).strip() @property def ssh_keys(self): """ Retrieve the SSH keys on the Pi, or use assignment to update them. Property value is a set of strings. Assigned value should also be a set of strings. """ url = "{self._API_URL}/{}/ssh-key".format(self=self) r = requests.get(url, headers=self._cloud.headers) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: raise HostedPiException(e) from e body = r.json() keys = body['ssh_key'] return {key.strip() for key in keys.split('\n') if key.strip()} @ssh_keys.setter def ssh_keys(self, ssh_keys): url = "{self._API_URL}/{}/ssh-key".format(self=self) headers = self._cloud.headers.copy() headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if ssh_keys: ssh_keys_str = '\r\n'.join(set(ssh_keys)) else: ssh_keys_str = '\r\n' # server doesn't allow empty string data = { 'ssh_key': ssh_keys_str, } r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: if r.status_code == 403: raise HostedPiException("Not authorised to access server or server does not exist") from e raise HostedPiException(e) from e @property def url(self): """ The http version of the URL of the Pi. .. note:: Note that a web server must be installed on the Pi for the URL to resolve in a web browser. """ return "http://www.{}".format(self=self) @property def url_ssl(self): """ The https version of the URL of the Pi. .. note:: Note that a web server must be installed on the Pi for the URL to resolve in a web browser, and an SSL certificate must be created. See """ return "https://www.{}".format(self=self) def _power_on_off(self, *, on=False): url = "{self._API_URL}/{}/power".format(self=self) data = { 'power': on, } r = requests.put(url, headers=self._cloud.headers, json=data) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: if r.status_code == 403: raise HostedPiException("Not authorised to access server or server does not exist") from e raise HostedPiException(e) from e
[docs] def on(self, *, wait=False): """ Power the Pi on. If *wait* is ``False`` (the default), return immediately. If *wait* is ``True``, wait until the power on request is completed, and return ``True`` on success, and ``False`` on failure. """ self._power_on_off(on=True) if wait: while self.is_booting: sleep(2) return self.power
[docs] def off(self): "Power the Pi off and return immediately" self._power_on_off(on=False)
[docs] def reboot(self, *, wait=False): """ Reboot the Pi. If *wait* is ``False`` (the default), return ``None`` immediately. If *wait* is ``True``, wait until the reboot request is completed, and return ``True`` on success, and ``False`` on failure. .. note:: Note that if *wait* is ``False``, you can poll for the boot status while rebooting by inspecting the properties :attr:`~hostedpi.pi.Pi.is_booting` and :attr:`~hostedpi.pi.Pi.boot_progress`. """ url = "{self._API_URL}/{}/reboot".format(self=self) r =, headers=self._cloud.headers) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: if r.status_code == 403: raise HostedPiException("Not authorised to access server or server does not exist") from e if r.status_code == 409: # The server is already being rebooted pass raise HostedPiException(e) from e if wait: while self.is_booting: sleep(2) return self.power
[docs] def cancel(self): "Cancel the Pi service" url = "{self._API_URL}/{}".format(self=self) r = requests.delete(url, headers=self._cloud.headers) try: r.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: if r.status_code == 403: raise HostedPiException("Not authorised to access server or server does not exist") from e raise HostedPiException(e) from e self._cancelled = True
[docs] def ssh_import_id(self, *, github=None, launchpad=None): """ Import SSH keys from GitHub or Launchpad, and add them to the Pi. Return the set of keys added. :type ssh_import_github: list or set or None :param ssh_import_github: A list/set of GitHub usernames to import SSH keys from (keyword-only argument) :type ssh_import_launchpad: list or set or None :param ssh_import_launchpad: A list/set of Launchpad usernames to import SSH keys from (keyword-only argument) """ ssh_keys_set = parse_ssh_keys(ssh_import_github=github, ssh_import_launchpad=launchpad) self.ssh_keys |= ssh_keys_set return ssh_keys_set